By Leonard D. Orr
The secret to human Life is maintaining Life Energy in the physical organism. The basic cause of death is emotional energy pollution that blocks the inflow of Life Energy, or EEP can occupy the Life Energy of the body so much that we loose our joy of Life and feel like dying.
Most people block their own Life Energy in the body with bad habits – with mental and emotional noise. Learning how to breathe the Breath of Life enriches our experience here on Earth infinitely. Maintaining this ability is partially dependent upon other good spiritual practices. Conscious breathers who don’t do enough spiritual practices die just like people who don’t do conscious breathing. Conscious breathing, even in the bath, is not enough.
Therefore, a basic question is: what are the minimum practices that are necessary to maintain human Life? And a related question is: what can maintain our abundance of aliveness and joy of Life? Several big name rebirthers died because of substance abuse – they were pot heads. One question is: were they pot heads because of dealing with the pain of emotional energy pollution because they never learned the practice of fire purification, or was it just a bad habit?
What I mean is that some people become drug addicts or alcoholics in order to deal with the pain, tension and stress of everyday Life because they don’t know how to solve the problem with spiritual purification practices. Pot heads and alcoholics may get temporary relief from the pain, but they just become zombies. Using any kind of substance that doesn’t actually
release the accumulated mental mass or energy and information that we unconsciously absorb from other people or that is surfacing from our past just makes the problem more complicated.
We go deeper into the pit of despair. Death or temporary escape through physical death is what people wrongfully believe is permanent relief. If it was permanent escape, people
wouldnt be reincarnated so stupid. Spiritual adults have to learn how to manage EEP and this
pit of despair on a regular basis.
I am experiencing this pit of despair today. I am in the middle of my lecture and workshop tour by car across the USA. I left Virginia a month ago and will return home in a month – end of June 2010.
The first week of my tour, I didn’t get enough privacy and fire purification. Then I did a weekend with Toni and Kelley in New Mexico and slept with the fire outside every night. This put me back in top form.
After that staying with Herman and Gisele in Arizona, I also had some privacy along with a fire outside to sleep with. These resources kept me in top form. The next two weeks I was not as fortunate. There were too many groups and individual meetings with unclean people. There were some motels with bad vibes. Then I went to the Hoxsey clinic in Mexico to get what probably is my final treatment with Hoxsey herbs for cancer. This last week was an overwhelm with EEP and not enough resources of privacy and fire.
This morning felt like the end as Elvi and I were driving to Sharon’s house. Luckily Sharon gave us a cabin next door with total privacy in the wilderness, with a bathtub and a fireplace inside, actually a wood burning stove. We started a fire and Elvi gave me a massage that made me feel a little better. Our hostess informed us that fires outside were not allowed without a permit from the county’s fire department. I asked if barbeques were ok. She said yes. So when we went to lunch, I went to a hardware store and bought a barbeque for $25 – a very good investment.
The Shiva Purana – one of the world’s greatest and most practical scriptures says, fire with small dry sticks has a spiritual power. Here is what happened. During the first 15 minutes with the fire, I could feel waves of energy being released from my body. I felt it mostly in my solar plexus. The pain from my Hoxsey treatment also lessened.
Each release empowers my breathing. The despair lifted. Then I felt as though the harder, compact energy was being released. One of the reasons I was so desperate was that I have two more weeks before getting to my 9 day training where I will have an abundance of nature and fire. And I also have a lecture tomorrow night. I felt like I needed a rest, not more work and time with people.
This morning I didn’t see how I could possibly go to my lecture tomorrow. Now that i am on Sharon’s land and have access to fire, I feel it is possible. And I can sleep all night with a fire tonight and spend most of the day tomorrow with the fire in this wonderful wilderness.
Without this relationship to fire, without the ability to breathe in the bath, without the habit of a vegetarian diet and the habit of fasting regularly, the mind becomes miserable and the body self-destructs. This is the physiology of physical immortality and perpetual aliveness.
Fire saves my life every week. Fire can be more important than food. Without these simple spiritual practices people die. Even professional healers of all kinds and successful rebirthers die unless they master spiritual purification with earth, air, water and fire.
The spiritual Life is not sustainable in this world and in this body without spiritual purification with mind, earth, air, water, fire and loving relationships. Love and being kind and of service to people is basic. It is one of the ultimate virtues. Relationships can be purifications like the elements. And kindness and loving touch and affection always raises our spirits.
Earth, air, water and fire are the physical qualities of God. They are the basic action qualities of Energy. We cannot sustain the Life Energy in the body or the mind without these practices. For the mind to know this is the Supreme Wisdom of the Mind. Yet is so tempting for the mind to neglect everything except itself and to trust in the arogance of the mind. To be trapped in this arrogance of the mind is death.
Physical immortality is incorporating the body into the Conscious Life of the Eternal Spirit which is our Divine Nature – our God Source – Mother Father God. The basic spiritual purification practices lift us out of the mind and beyond the mind into our Source and fill the mind as well as the body with full Life Energy.
We are God’s children – Spirit, Mind and Body – eternally connected to the One. Consciousness alone doesn’t keep the body operating without the practices. Consciousness malfunctions without spiritual purification practices and love is not pure. History teaches us that the Spiritual Life in human beings is not sustainable without spiritual purification practices with earth, air, water and fire. This is just a fact of Life – always has been and always will be. To believe otherwise is the delusion of the mind. Arrogance just doesn’t work. Death ends such arrogance , no matter what religious beliefs we have or philosophies. The practices are so simple they evade the intellectuals.
We have to construct a civilization with these concepts built into our educational system in order to save the civilization. Earth, air, water and fire are more important than reading, writing and arithmetic. The practices with spiritual purification have to be built into our civilization today as they were in the time of Ram and Sita when average people lived over 5000 years which was 130,000 years ago. Everyone knew that death was optional. So we have to build them into our culture, but also give people the philosophy of them so we don’t forget them. And the philosophy has to involve the science and discipline and actual daily practice with them.
During Vedic times before the Ramayana period, people lived for millions of years. Some of these people like Agastyar and Thirumoolar are still alive on this planet today. Our death dream that most people live in is only 5000 years old – Noah was the last long liver with 930 years in the Bible history and in Indian history the MahaBharata war is called the war of the immortals. How immortals could get trapped in so much false ego, arrogance, greed, ignorance and hostility is a question. Dealing with these questions successfully is the ultimate challenge of education. But now we have the great scriptures like the Shiva Purana, Srimad Devi Bhagavatam, Thirumanturam, harmonizing the Bible and the Koran.
Using this great literature will go a long way toward making us masters of Life – our minds have to be merged in Spirit. The nature of Spirit has to become our basic knowledge. This is the only salvation. We have to cure ignorance in a much bigger way than we are doing now. The night after I wrote about fire getting me back into the joy of Life, I had a big surprise. I went into the cabin we were staying at and opened the computer to do some e-mails. All of a sudden, blood started spurting out of the side of my head in a stream that shot out 2 to 3 feet.
It took me 1 to 2 hours with cold wet gauze pads, towels and pressure of my hands to completely stop the bleeding. I almost passed out during the process. Elvi supported me. As I was bleeding, I had no pain. I thought how easy it would be to stop exerting pressure and bleed to death. There was no pain. All I had to do was let go and leave my body behind. No more house or car payments. No more dealing with EEP. No more dealing with the Federal Reserve ruling elite nor the IRS. No more difficult people.
I could just fly off and be with Babaji, Jesus, the immortals and take an extended vacation.
Physical death can be tempting. Elvi kept saying, “You are not going to die. Forget about that.” She said, “You couldn’t die even if you wanted to and Babaji is always taking care of you.”
A physical pipe – artery – in my plumbing had broken and I needed a plumber. The blood was flowing out so fast, I thought I would have probably been dead before getting to a hospital. And I thought that the hospital personnel might screw up and make the situation worse. So I just pressed on the gauze until I found the right spot, slowed the blood flow, talked with Babaji about it and Elvi for hours waiting for the bleeding to stop.
I laid in the same position for 8 hours. The clotted blood in the gauze became like cement. Then I had a new problem: how to get the bandage off and if I did, would the bleeding start all over again?
I lost so much blood, I was very weak. Every time I moved, I would get dizzy and almost pass out.
I took a bath and felt better in the late morning. In a few hours I was able to walk enough to go back to my fire. Every time I stood up, I had to stop and breathe to keep from passing out. I drove Elvi to the health food store to get vitamin K that helps the blood coagulate. We put out the fire before leaving, not because there was any forest fire danger, but to please the rules of the Forest Service and our hostess.
When we returned, I started a fire again and after a few hours had a breakthrough. The energy concentration in my solar plexus turned into pain, but the fire and my breathing, empowered by the fire, releasing it, eventually cleared it. I went to the bathtub for over an hour. Then back to the fire.
As I was gathering wood, I noticed that the passing out sensation was totally gone. And I remembered that I often had that sensation for several years. This benefit lasted for several days, until i started working with people again. I hope my new clarity and freedom will last. It is amazing how clear and free I felt. That pain from the energy concentration felt like past life stuff releasing. Now, a week later i notice that the dizziness seems to be related more to EEP than anything else.
Fire is obviously as important to our health and aliveness as food. When fire has been neglected, it is far more important than food. I have a whole book about fire, i recommend that you get a copy and master it. Fire and water are ultimate saviors as well and earth and air. It all comes out of Energy. The mind may be the director of the game of Life, but it is totally dependent upon earth, air, water and fire for manifested reality and the maintenance of our personal reality, including our body.
Spending more time with the fire just kept bringing more and more releases. I can see why Krishna spent 90 years with the fire. Especially at this time in history, we have to spend more time with the fire if we have contact with unconscious people who don’t. This whole drama lasted from Saturday till Tuesday. On Tuesday I gently removed the bandages from my forehead without bleeding and I am so happy. I feel like a new man. The morning after the bleeding, Elvi said that I looked 15 years
I definitely feel like a load of past-life karma got released in these 4 days and that the fire was an essential aspect of the healing. I spent most of the 4 days alone with the fire. The fire brings so many pleasurable changes in my body, I don’t seem to be able to get enough of it. Fire is a wonderful eternal friend. A week after the healing, i noticed during my rebirthing workshop yeaterday in Portland how great and clear i felt. There is a permanent benefit. Sharon’s hospitality, her cabin in nature with a bathtub, fire and solitude provided an ideal situation to go through this healing crisis. These resources and the practices saved my life.
Fire, loving relationships, breathing in the bathtub, a good diet and enough exercise saves my life every week. I am very thankful. Why do rebirthers die? This is important insight. There is another layer i would like you to consider.
Since being spiritually enlightened and mastering rebirthing, I always give these things to everyone in my environment. Why not? They are the ultimate gifts. But too many Rebirthers don’t. When we are in close relationships with people who don’t keep their energy body clean and balanced , thier EEP sneaks up on us and debilitates us. It is sublte, invisable and it accumulates and can totally take us over. I notice this with some of my wife’s patterns. It can work positively as well as negatively. I noticed that my wives kept their youthful beauty as a result of living with a senility graduate.
WE can say that rebirthers die because of relationships, low quality relationships. WE have to create one year seminars or spiritual community with people who have healed their infancy and dependency patterns and are full spiritual adults, responsibly participating in politics and
doing the outer success as well as the inner success.
In a word, we all need the support and participation of conscious immortals.
The secret to human Life is maintaining Life Energy in the physical organism. The basic cause of death is emotional energy pollution that blocks the inflow of Life Energy, or EEP can occupy the Life Energy of the body so much that we loose our joy of Life and feel like dying.
Most people block their own Life Energy in the body with bad habits – with mental and emotional noise. Learning how to breathe the Breath of Life enriches our experience here on Earth infinitely. Maintaining this ability is
partially dependent upon other good spiritual practices. Conscious
breathers who don’t do enough spiritual practices die just like people who don’t do conscious breathing. Conscious breathing, even in the bath, is not enough.
Therefore, a basic question is: what are the minimum practices
that are necessary to maintain human Life? And a related question
is: what can maintain our abundance of aliveness and joy of Life?
Several big name rebirthers died because of substance abuse – they
were pot heads.
One question is: were they pot heads because of dealing with the pain of emotional energy pollution because they never learned the practice of fire purification, or was it just a bad habit?
What I mean is that some people become drug addicts or alcoholics
in order to deal with the pain, tension and stress of everyday Life because they don’t know how to solve the problem with spiritual purification practices. Pot heads and alcoholics may get temporary relief from
the pain, but they just become zombies.
Using any kind of substance that doesn’t actually
release the accumulated mental mass or energy and information that we
unconsciously absorb from other people or that is surfacing from our past just makes the problem more complicated.
We go deeper into the pit of despair. Death or temporary escape through physical death is what people wrongfully believe is permanent relief. If it
was permanent escape, people wouldn’t be reincarnated so stupid. Spiritual adults have to learn how to manage EEP and this pit of despair on a regular basis.
I am experiencing this pit of despair today. I am in the middle of my lecture and workshop tour by car across the USA. I left Virginia a month ago and will return home in a month – end of June 2010. The first week of my tour, I didn’t get enough privacy and fire purification. Then I did a weekend with Toni and Kelley in New Mexico and slept with the fire outside every night. This put me back in top form.
After that staying with Herman and Gisele in Arizona, I also had some privacy along with a fire outside to sleep with. These resources kept me in top form. The next two weeks I was not as fortunate. There were too many groups and individual meetings with unclean people. There were some motels with bad vibes.
Then I went to the Hoxsey clinic in Mexico to get what probably is my final
treatment with Hoxsey herbs for cancer. This last week was an overwhelm with EEP and not enough resources of privacy and fire.
This morning felt like the end as Elvi and I were driving to Sharon’s house. Luckily Sharon gave us a cabin next door with total privacy in the wilderness, with a bathtub and a fireplace inside, actually a wood burning stove. We started a fire and Elvi gave me a massage that made me feel a little better. Our hostess informed us that fires outside were not allowed without a permit from the county’s fire department. I asked if barbeques were ok. She said yes. So when we went to lunch, I went to a hardware
store and bought a barbeque for $25 – a very good investment.
The Shiva Purana – one of the world’s greatest and most practical scriptures says, fire with small dry sticks has a spiritual power. Here is what happened. During the first 15 minutes with the fire, I could feel waves of energy being released from my body. I felt it mostly in my solar plexus. The pain from my Hoxsey treatment also lessened.
Each release empowers my breathing. The despair lifted. Then I felt as though the harder, compact energy was being released. One of the reasons I was so desperate was that I have two more weeks before getting to my 9 day training where I will have an abundance of nature and fire. And I also have a lecture tomorrow night. I felt like I needed a rest, not more work and time with people. This morning I didn’t see how I could possibly go to my lecture tomorrow. Now that I am on Sharon’s land and have access to fire, I feel it is possible. And I can sleep all night with a fire tonight and spend
most of the day tomorrow with the fire in this wonderful wilderness.
Without this relationship to fire, without the ability to breathe in the bath, without the habit of a vegetarian diet and the habit of fasting regularly, the mind becomes miserable and the body self-destructs. This is the physiology of physical immortality and perpetual aliveness.
Fire saves my life every week. Fire can be more important than food. Without these simple spiritual practices people die. Even professional healers of all kinds and successful rebirthers die unless they master spiritual purification with earth, air, water and fire.
The spiritual Life is not sustainable in this world and in this body without spiritual purification with mind, earth, air, water, fire and loving relationships. Love and being kind and of service to people is basic. It is one of the ultimate virtues. Relationships can be purifications like the elements. And kindness and loving touch and affection always raises our spirits.
Earth, air, water and fire are the physical qualities of God. They are the basic action qualities of Energy. We cannot sustain the Life Energy in the body or the mind without these practices. For the mind to know this is the Supreme Wisdom of the Mind. Yet is so tempting for the mind to neglect everything except itself and to trust in the arrogance of the mind. To be trapped in this arrogance of the mind is death.
Physical immortality is incorporating the body into the Conscious Life of the Eternal Spirit which is our Divine Nature – our God Source – Mother Father God. The basic spiritual purification practices lift us out of the mind and beyond the mind into our Source and fill the mind as well as the body with full Life Energy.
We are God’s children – Spirit, Mind and Body – eternally connected to the One. Consciousness alone doesn’t keep the body operating without the practices. Consciousness malfunctions without spiritual purification practices and love is not pure. History teaches us that the Spiritual Life in human beings is not sustainable without spiritual purification practices with earth, air, water and fire. This is just a fact of Life – always has been and always will be. To believe otherwise is the delusion of the mind. Arrogance just doesn’t work. Death ends such arrogance , no matter what religious beliefs we have or philosophies. The practices are so simple they
evade the intellectuals.
We have to construct a civilization with these concepts built into
our educational system in order to save the civilization. Earth, air,
water and fire are more important than reading, writing and
arithmetic. The practices with spiritual purification have to be
built into our civilization today as they were in the time of Ram and
Sita when average people lived over 5000 years which was 130,000
years ago. Everyone knew that death was optional. So we have to build
them into our culture, but also give people the philosophy of them so
we don’t forget them. And the philosophy has to involve the science
and discipline and actual daily practice with them.
During Vedic times before the Ramayana period, people lived for
millions of years. Some of these people like Agastyar and Thirumoolar
are still alive on this planet today. Our death dream that most
people live in is only 5000 years old – Noah was the last long
liver with 930 years in the Bible history and in Indian history the
MahaBharata war is called the war of the immortals. How immortals
could get trapped in so much false ego, arrogance, greed, ignorance
and hostility is a question. Dealing with these questions
successfully is the ultimate challenge of education. But now we have
the great scriptures like the Shiva Purana, Srimad Devi Bhagavatam,
Thirumanturam, harmonizing the Bible and the Koran.
Using this great literature will go a long way toward making us
masters of Life – our minds have to be merged in Spirit. The nature
of Spirit has to become our basic knowledge. This is the only
salvation. We have to cure ignorance in a much bigger way than we are
doing now. The night after I wrote about fire getting me back into
the joy of Life, I had a big surprise. I went into the cabin we were
staying at and opened the computer to do some e-mails. All of a
sudden, blood started spurting out of the side of my head in a stream
that shot out 2 to 3 feet.
It took me 1 to 2 hours with cold wet gauze pads, towels and
pressure of my hands to completely stop the bleeding. I almost passed
out during the process. Elvi supported me. As I was bleeding, I had
no pain. I thought how easy it would be to stop exerting pressure and
bleed to death. There was no pain. All I had to do was let go and
leave my body behind. No more house or car payments. No more dealing
with EEP. No more dealing with the Federal Reserve ruling elite nor
the IRS. No more difficult people.
I could just fly off and be with Babaji, Jesus, the immortals and take an extended vacation. Physical death can be tempting. Elvi kept saying, “You are not going to die. Forget about that.” She said, “You couldn’t die even if you wanted to and Babaji is always taking care of you.”
A physical pipe – artery – in my plumbing had broken and I
needed a plumber. The blood was flowing out so fast, I thought I
would have probably been dead before getting to a hospital. And I
thought that the hospital personnel might screw up and make the
situation worse. So I just pressed on the gauze until I found the
right spot, slowed the blood flow, talked with Babaji about it and
Elvi for hours waiting for the bleeding to stop.
I laid in the same position for 8 hours. The clotted blood in the
gauze became like cement. Then I had a new problem: how to get the
bandage off and if I did, would the bleeding start all over again?
I lost so much blood, I was very weak. Every time I moved, I would get
dizzy and almost pass out.
I took a bath and felt better in the late morning. In a few hours
I was able to walk enough to go back to my fire. Every time I stood
up, I had to stop and breathe to keep from passing out. I drove Elvi
to the health food store to get vitamin K that helps the blood
coagulate. We put out the fire before leaving, not because there was
any forest fire danger, but to please the rules of the Forest Service
and our hostess.
When we returned, I started a fire again and after a few hours had a breakthrough. The energy concentration in my solar plexus turned into pain, but the fire and my breathing, empowered by the fire, releasing it, eventually cleared it. I went to the bathtub for over an hour. Then back to the fire.
As I was gathering wood, I noticed that the passing out sensation was totally gone. And I remembered that I often had that sensation for several years. This benefit lasted for several days, until I started working with people again. I hope my new clarity and freedom will last. It is amazing how clear and free I felt. That pain from the energy concentration felt like past life stuff releasing. Now, a week later i notice that the dizziness seems to be related more to EEP than anything else.
Fire is obviously as important to our health and aliveness as
food. When fire has been neglected, it is far more important than
food. I have a whole book about fire, i recommend that you get a copy
and master it. Fire and water are ultimate saviors as well and earth
and air. It all comes out of Energy. The mind may be the director of
the game of Life, but it is totally dependent upon earth, air, water
and fire for manifested reality and the maintenance of our personal
reality, including our body.
Spending more time with the fire just kept bringing more and more
releases. I can see why Krishna spent 90 years with the fire.
Especially at this time in history, we have to spend more time with
the fire if we have contact with unconscious people who don’t. This
whole drama lasted from Saturday till Tuesday. On Tuesday I gently
removed the bandages from my forehead without bleeding and I am so
happy. I feel like a new man. The morning after the bleeding, Elvi said that I looked 15 years younger.
I definitely feel like a load of past-life karma got released in these 4 days and that the fire was an essential aspect of the healing. I spent most of the 4 days alone with the fire. The fire brings so many pleasurable changes in my body, I don’t seem to be able to get enough of it. Fire is a wonderful eternal friend. A week after the healing, i noticed during my rebirthing workshop yeaterday in Portland how great and clear i felt. There is a permanent benefit. Sharon’s hospitality, her cabin in nature with a bathtub, fire and
solitude provided an ideal situation to go through this healing
crisis. These resources and the practices saved my life.
Fire, loving relationships, breathing in the bathtub, a good diet and enough exercise saves my life every week. I am very thankful.
Why do rebirthers die? This is important insight. There is another
layer i would like you to consider.
Since being spiritually enlightened and mastering rebirthing, I
always give these things to everyone in my environment. Why not? They
are the ultimate gifts. But too many Rebirthers don’t. When we are in
close relationships with people who don’t keep their energy body
clean and balanced , thier EEP sneaks up on us and debilitates us. It
is sublte, invisable and it accumulates and can totally take us over.
I notice this with some of my wife’s patterns. It can work positively
as well as negatively. I noticed that my wives kept their youthful
beauty as a result of living with a senility graduate.
WE can say that rebirthers die because of relationships, low quality relationships. WE have to create one year seminars or spiritual community with people who have healed their infancy and dependency patterns and are full spiritual adults, responsibly paritcipating in politics and doing the outer success as well as the inner success.
In a word, we all need the support and participation of conscious
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